Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 16 weigh in: Um, oops.

So I knew this week would be bad, with Jenna's birthday and then going away with Jason. I did well the first part of the week, but when Jason and I went away, all my good plans went to hell. I did weigh myself this morning, but I'm not posting it. I gained quite a bit, but I know most of it is due to the sodium content/water retention of all the eating out we did.

I'll weigh again next Sunday, as usual, and count it no matter what, even if it's still showing a gain. Time to get back on track now.


  1. Good for you for still posting! It's just a small setback, and like you said, you knew it was coming. Actually, it's a victory when you think that you're still going strong even with this - you've been challenged but you're still going strong. Proud of you, big sis!

  2. Glad you have a fun week! Keep up the good work!

  3. No worries! You'll get it next week!
